29/09/2016 A

Duchamp points towards the man who creates, as art is dependent only on his action, manifestation or simply a decision. But the artist will be and will create (whatever it implies) despite being believed in or not. Belief in the artist does nothing but reassures his position on the common and neutral ground, in-between, but nothing more.

For art to be however, what is paramount is to believe in art. If you believe, an urinal, or a place or even man’s life becomes art. Here, for anything to flourish truly, what is required is the belief which comes from two dimensions and two opposite ‘polars’: the belief (in art) of the artist and the belief (in art) of the spectator. Art is because of these two whose net force meets in the “inbetween” space (which always acquires sacred stigma whatever one would manifest or wherever placed it).

To me (any) art is simply an outcome of these two beliefs meeting one another.

I think the narrative of 3 spaces becomes clear with this (Engel mit Sphinx Gesichten):

The questions asked in the street, have a bit of a religious character, their aim is to lead the spectator to believe: 1 in himself and thus 2 in art. The statement neon in the studio is opposite, it is a belief in the creative act.